being in the body

A space for you to be with your body
its rhythms and ways
dropping inside of your physical presence
allowing it to just be
and to express itself

Descending into the depth of the body-
its flesh and bones, its blood and senses,
all the way down into the never ending dance of our cells

Exploring the multiple dimensions of movement possibilities,
physical sensations, perceptions and expressions
Playing around with the body in all those endless ways
beyond the functionality in which we normally use it

Traveling through the spaces and qualities of the physical-
momentum, gravity, atmosphere, limitation, felt chemistry,
objects, other bodies, sounds, the earth, the sky…
Finding what is without your body, within your body

Opening up to the Knowing of the body, that isn´t mindful,
but direct, instinctive, organic, present, connected and warm

The teaching is mostly spontaneous, follows the flow and responds to the moment.
It includes quiet awareness, subtle and soft moving,
freeflowing expression, inner listening,
guided journeys through the body, sounding and breathing,
exercising and stretching, healing touch and massage,
creative movement and dance improvisation

Rather than about learning something, it is giving space to the
body and its energy, letting that be the teacher and determine the flow

being in the body for Kids:
A journey into the magic world of your body

being in the body for Kids being in the body for Kids being in the body for Kids

Whatever you do - playing, eating, talking, walking, sitting... - your body is always with you. How important the body is you may have noticed when you were sick and couldn't do anything. So it's good to come to know it a little better. How many movements can you do with your foot? How does your heart beat and your blood flow? You're breathing all the time, but did you ever pay attention to it?
We will explore our own body, let it romp around, stretch, bend, twist, whirl, roll and sense, walk around as a blind man, talk in deaf-and-dumb language, try to fly (will that work?), pull faces and play movement games. But we will also give us time to relax and be quiet, and will learn its secret language, which only those can understand who know how listen deep into the body!

Back Pain Relief – Somatic Re-Alignment

Through specific, gentle movements, your back will be able to release, relax and feel good again. We will re-educate the structure of your body to find back into its correct physiological posture. We also focus on proper use of your body in daily activities. You’ll receive practical aids for your daily movements, and a set of exercises for you to take home with you and set a routine that will benefit you long- term.

The Art of Touching –Somatic Bodywork

In this course, you will learn how to give a pleasant and quality bodywork session. The techniques we use come from Shiatsu, Thai Massage, Trager Approach, Craniosacral Osteopathy and Somatics.

It is first about resting in physical awareness, and extending that beyond the boundaries of your own body. An open consciousness in you knows everything around you. Being together, is an invitation to merge. From such a base real touch can happen. We playfully explore touch, not only through fixed forms, but following the flow. What possibilities are there to stroke, squeeze, hold, caress, puncture, stretch an ear? Or a leg? The body, the other’s and your own one, will tell you. Sensitivity, attention and care show you the way.

The root of your hands is in your heart; when you’re being in your heart, love flows out of your hands. Then you are healing, without even doing anything about it. A much greater flow starts pouring through your body.

We will later go beyond the conventional therapeutic situation and allow moving, sounding, chanting, dancing to intuitively happen as a part of the session. Also the roles of giver-receiver may dissolve at some point.

Eventually we may enter the One Healing Space – where every body drinks from and gives to every body, all being connected with each other and drawing from the same source.

The Elements of Nature

The Elements of Nature

In nature, there are infinite possibilities and inspirations to experience and move the body and express its impulses. We open up our senses for the colours and forms, sounds and scents around, breathe and feel and listen to them and immerse ourselves in it.

We awaken the cellular memory of our physicality
before we acquired human form.

The substance of the physical universe
is identical with the one of our body.

We are of earth, water, fire, air and ether.

We'll experience the qualities of the elements in us through movements, inner journeys, dance and meditation. Also we'll find time to simply be with nature - watching the flames, listen to the water, letting the winds blow through us, feeling the presence of a tree…

...knowing our deep, cellular connectedness with all of life.

One Body Being –
Communing in Cellular Connectedness

The Elements of Nature

In this course we open up to the ongoing cellular connectedness that always is there between our bodies. The more we are connected to that stream within ourselves, in our own bodies, the more easily we are able to share it with others. Connection is a most basic need in us as well our most natural expression. However, in modern society we live highly alienated from that. To re-connect with this on a direct physical, cellular level brings us back to a very essential way of being in us. We experience that we are not separate, not from each other, not from nature. What lives in your body, lives in my own body. It is the same life that flows through all of us. Everything in the world outside we can find as a dimension within our own body. We deeply sense that we are one.

We will ground this reality
as we

move&dance ~ touch&play ~ sense&sound ~ sync&tune ~ decode&recode


vibes&waves ~ somatics&kinetics ~ fluids&forms ~
interactions&constellations ~ insights&outcries ~ understandings&overlappings

Matrix of Life – Let the Serpent dance!

In this somatic investigation process we dive into the essentials of what it means to be alive in this physical form.

The Serpent archetype represents the primary spiral motion inherent in all forms in nature - from the microworld to the galaxies. This motion is like an own intelligence, an inner knowledge of nature; living form is a fluid, spiraling, serpentine flow. It is, as the double helix DNA, at the very base of our own body.

Since the beginning of mankind, Indigenous people all around the world guarded the knowledge of the Serpent. Re-awakening this memory in our body awareness and movement ability joins us with an ancient wisdom and brings us into a lived-in, deeply felt connectivity with all of life.

Topics of this work are:

- Moving in a flowing, fluid body

- Organic Pulsation, the primordial rhythm of life

- Letting the One Wave dance through us

- Connecting into Cellular Consciousness

- Swirling in the Body-forming Spiral

- Dissolving into the Oceanic Oneness Body

- Awakening the Cosmic Serpent

- Meeting the Matrix of Creation in this very body

Codes of the Golden Body

Deep within this Body
reside the Codes of Existence

In this Immersion we re-discover the original blueprint from which life originated. Once, when you were flowing and unfolding in the Waters of your Mother´s Womb, you moved as this. You were this. It is this in-form-ation that made it possible for you to grow the amazing physical body you live in. The memory of it is still here. It is like a molecular substance, quietly streaming within. In this journey, we re-member.

The Codes of this rest underneath physical reality.
Their re-awakening in your Body makes them available on Earth.

You become able to move as what you really are -Infinite Being- through this form that appears so limited.
Your senses open as portals. You merge and melt into everything you meet.

We will explore this reality through movement, meditation, inner journeys, touch, somatic sensation, bodywork, breath, fluid body regeneration, pulsations, toning and vibration, interactive constellations and energy transmission. In the nights there are non-verbal, experimental Play/Dance/Contact/Sound-Jams as an Open Space to integrate and interchange the activated codes.

On various days we are going to work inside the water.

Details on the Flux of Life workshop series:

Details on the Aquatic workshops: